Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2011

another 1k+ day coaching on sngprotege

Hey guys, hope everybody is enjoing life, as i certainly do.
except one thing that really is sickening to me, my sis has tubal cancer..fuck that, she is in her early one in her age should get that. she ll get into hospital on monday so lets hope the best for her..i ll stay with her in hospital for at least 24 hrs and see how it goes...

oh well besides that everything is as perfect as it gets, while i am writing this my cleaner is cleaning my much i love to have one ;) ohhh baby
Yesterday i started a coaching session with a student at home at roughly 3 pm and he left at 5 pm. i wanted to start grinding but felt extremely tired, so i decided to take a nap and grind after at 9:30 pm i finally woke up and started to grind ( the games die at 0:30 am my time ) and managed to win 1,3k in 180s oh yeah baby..then decided to add in some mtts as i felt rested and rdy to kick ass...but well 27$ ko and 13,50 ko went really bad, tho i managed to tripple up my stacks early (without a bounty) i lost huge flips with ak on both tables and busted without any profit..and finally played the daily 27,50$ when a hand occured pre money, that i still can not believe.

i have 5k bb 300 and sitting in the sb. utg raises and has 10k, total fish shoves everything and reshoved earlier with a2o and trippled up against ak and kk.
so he raised utg to 650, 3 callers!!!!, and i jam over that and he isolates flip over and he has 66!!!!!!!! and boom 6 on the flop good? well, not in mtts obviously. haha
well also i am now a coach on sngprotege and today will be my first coachingsession with my new student, really cant wait to start, he seems like someone really willing to work hard on his game, which  i love to hear. now get things started....i will be playing and coaching from portugal in its getting cold in germany and in portugal at the beach its still nice and warm, so i decided to move to portugal for at least a few weeks....whoever wants to join is welcome...airport faro...lets spend some summertime there ;)
cya guys...

1 Kommentar:

  1. Sorry about your sister, that doesnt sound well. Best wishes to her, and gl to you:)
