Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011

500$ reached/7$ sngs will start now

Jo guys,

so I ve reached the 500$ mark and will add in 7$ 45s and 18 man

so far my stats are pretty ok.

whyme270483         364$1  $3  19%$221  

won in 45s, binked a 2,50$ 180, and won big in 3,50$ 18 mans.

I decided to play 18s earlier then planned, the reaon is, that, tho the rake is higher, that people are way worse and I can play more games and therefore earn more fpps and play sunday storm sats to increase my roll faster.

Besides that my volume def. sucks, I ve been partying way too much and not been playing enough.
Also I ve not been sleeping enough, but atleast I ve been heading to the gym more then 3/7 days per week...

Ok thats about it for now, now lets hope I will play more on sunday...


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