so I think tomorrow will be my last real Pokerday....
It was really a sick year 2011 for me....
Alot happened. Reached lots of my goals. Especially when it comes to Onlinepoker my improvements are as good as I hoped they would be.
I finally am confident enough to beat online SNGs (besides Hyperturbosngs I am happy about all my results), there is no format that I am loosing at since I joined SNGprotege, so it has been really the best decision to join the site, and the community there is amazing.
My live-cash play suffered a little from my agressive onlinesng style, but thats ok, I think I can adjust well enough....
I used december to play all kinds of games ranging from headsup turbos ( My results were really good), headsup hypers ( results suck bigtime ), 45men ( really good results) 180s (pretty much skipped them), 6 max satelites, some mtts and some other small cashgames....
Looking at sharkscope it looks as if my results suffered, but looking at it more indepth we see that i played lots of hyperturbos and lots of games between 1-7$ buyin for my challenge. So i really used this month to study and decide what i am going to do in 2012.
I didnt even notice that my swings this month were sooooo big haha
My choice now is to play 45men sngs as my new approach to them seems to work really well and i dont see anyone playing them like me, and I see others get really confused by my plays sometimes...raising 23 and calling shoves and other times folding aj as a shortie...
The next thing is to play 180s at least 4 times a week for a total of at least 600-700 games per week.
We ' ll see how it works...But I dont think I will try to go for sne next year, I really think it will be a waste of time and energy for me
Goals reached 2011:
- reach Supernova
- Beat Onlinesngs
- Move from Livecash to Online sngs
- Travel more ( Brazil, Portugal and different parts of Germany this year )
- Workout more ( worked since November, went to the gym almost too much ^^ )
besides that I had some personal goals that I do not want to share here, but besides one big one, I've reached all of those too.
For 2012 Goals are:
- depending on the Vip Program of Pokerstars I would love to reach SN twice this year
- travel alot again
- improve in MTTS/SNGS
- make at least 50k overall Online next year
- help students of Sngprotege to get better
. AVOID LOOSING too much time/money in Hyperturbo games
- workout at least 5 times a week
- and pray that onlinepoker will not be totally destroyed by some politicians that dont even have a clue why they are doing what they do...
wish you all gl in 2012 and wish myself even more luck... cya ;)