Freitag, 30. Januar 2015

Consistency compared to the BIIIIGGG BAAANNGGGG

Hey everybody.

Some of you might know that I am right now producing my first Video Series for changethewhy. In order to provide the best content possible I have been reading hundrets of articles on psychology, nutrition, money management, health, and much much more.
During this research I have found myself answering one big question over and over. I would like to share this question with you here.

If you could get 1 million dollars without any preparation and any work at all or prepare yourself to earn a million dollars in future and learn what it takes to reach that goal along the way, so that when you reach your 1 million dollar goal you keep it. What would I choose? Would I take the headstart? Or the loooooong road to my goal?

Before you answer, let us consider the pro's and con's of both options:

1. Headstart:


- I'd have money immediately
- I'd have more money to get good advisors and accountants right from the start
- I'd have more options right from the start overall


- Easy to fail and spend the money I have, too fast, to profit enough from it
- We have bad habits right now, because if we had better habits we would have achieved higher goals already
- Teaching other people our way to the 1 million dollars is not possible

2. Looong Road to my goal:


- I'd be prepared when I reach my goal and it is less likely to loose the money again, since I already am on the success track for a long time.
- I'd gradualy have better and better and stronger habits that assure me to keep and actually make even more money out of the profits I made up to that point
- I'd have amazing habits on my way to my goal, because it takes dedication to reach such a big goal.
- We could teach other people how to get there


- Takes very long to reach our goals
- I might not live until I achieve my goals, therefore I would have worked for my goal, but never achieve it

I am sure there are more Pro's and Con's but these are the most important ones for me.

So did your answer change now?
Think about this for some time, because this question reflects you as a person.

Do you take instant small profits over big longterm success?

One thing we learned on changethewhy is that steady and guaranteed is always better than fast unnatural results.

Just think about the fat guy in the gym. Most want to loose weight fast.
They workout for one week every day 1 hour and the second week they don't see the gym at all.
They don't see the results so they get discouraged.
Success comes when you do something over and over and over and believe in the Plan you set for yourself.

I would like to share this amazing Video with you because it is still one of the best Videos ever made on this topic.

This man is absolutely amazing, and altho I never spoke to him in person, he spoke to me for years now and we know eachother.

For me, and many smarter and more successful people than me, the answer is: steady and guaranteed is the answer to any question in life!

I wish you an amazing week.

Make sure you don't loose the start of our 52 week Success Program launch on changethewhy.
On our site we also release lots of free videos and Content to help you in your everyday life.

The first podcast will be released on the  2/Feb/2015 so stay tuned.

I wish you all the best.

Samstag, 17. Januar 2015

Life is about..... LOVE, Passion and ENERGY!!!

Hey everyone,

so first of all:

Happy new year. I hope you all survived the New Year's Party with a huuuuuuge headache. haha

I spend my Party in Rome with good friends. We flew from Germany to Rome for 1 day, and wandered around this magnificent city.
Beautiful by day and by night for sure.

The old City center is amazing. These old Romans were just super crazy good in building that area.

Here are some cool Pics we made on our trip:

 Arrived in ROME at Noon 31/12/2014
 PIZZA is mandatory in ROME of course. Was not as good as I hoped, but still pretty awesome!
Yes, it was really really cold down there, but look at this beautiful area and sky.

Every year we spend New year somewhere else, so looking forward to 2015/2016. Where do you think is the best country or City to spend it? I'd love to hear your stories and Party with you.

Since the Start of this Blogpost had nothing to do with the topic ( haha ) let's talk a bit about Energy.

Over the years of coaching People in Poker, Lifestyle, Finance and Personal developement I have invited every single Person to come down to Portugal and spend time with us at the beach and re-gain much needed Energy and enjoy Life with us.
I think I got really lucky over the years. We had People from Poland, Lithuania, USA, Costa Rica, Romania, Germany, Africa, Netherlands and Spain here ( I hope  I didn't forget a country ). Great, amazing people, all of them.
What I realized very often when we talked 3-6 months after they left Portugal is that the energy often got lost after that time, and mine always stays up.
I get asked this question alot: How do you stay so high-energy?

It is very very simple: I just don't stop!!!! I think it was in a very cool song by Linkin Park where they said:
The hardest thing about stopping is starting again!

Especially when I had students here all they needed was to recharge their batteries.

Most People did not come back to Portugal, I assume because they felt bad and thought they let me and my beliefs in them down, which clearly is not the fact, because they honored me with their time and company. So I feel very blessed actually and if they come back I don't think stuff like: Oh look how great I am, these people come back to me. ( What type of person actually thinks like that? )

Today I watched a cool Video that one of my students posted on Skype and I would love to share this video with you too. This man is so much more than just an entrepreneur, he is a huge inspiration for me and many more people all over the world.

One of the key things he mentions on the way to success is "the amazing people you gather".
He mentions several times that a company is a group of people and the quality of the company is determined by the quality of people in it.
So the way to do anything big and amazing, that will increase the value of anyone's life, are the people you surround yourself with.

The next thing is the energy these people provide to eachother.
You could compare it to a Live concert compared to listening to an album at home.
The Live concert has an amazing energy. All these people enjoying their Life and their time for 90 minutes with this great band.

In the end I realized that I actually do have alot of great people in my life.
I am fortunate enough to be able to call them: friends.

Now all I/We need to do is gather our forces and create big things.

Let us all create big things ladies and gentleman. Together it's easier and we can achieve more.

Let's forget our fears and our barriers. Let us all do something big and help as many people as we can along the way.

I believe in ME, I believe in You and I believe in US.


Pedro Goncalves

Samstag, 10. Januar 2015

Saturday 320$ KO and Huge progress on changethewhy

Hey everyone,

I hope your year started as awesome as mine. Last saturday I was fortunate enough to get second in the saturday 320$ KO for a sexy 23000$ score. It was a rough grind, with amazing opponents.
They never gave me any easy chips from last 4 tables down to Headsup, so I am very proud of myself.

Especially T-Macha I think played amazing till at some point it looked like he tilted or got tired, I think the MTT lasted about 11hours or so.

Well deserved 1st place for Davy...

Outside Poker we are working extremely hard on and we have two awesome announcements for all of you.

1. We will be launching our Podcast on the 1.February.2015. Our first guest will be Daryl Jace, who reached the sunday million finaltable 5 times, won it twice , won the ftops ME for 385000$ and many more.... The interview with him was very interesting and we covered topics like: bad moneymanagement, grinding too much, how lifechanges can affect your goals.

2. will stay completely free even after february's added new features.
All videos will be free and we will start off with a full 5 year financial Program on how to get financially independent as a poker player.

All of this completely free!!!

We are almost finished with a 52 week program for poker players that will allow you to focuss 100% of your time on poker and everything else will be taken care off.

In terms of where my Girl and me are going to stay in 2015;
I am currently talking to a friend in Rosarito/Mexico, and I am very positive that we will go there pretty soon.

The pictures and the weather look amazing there.

I can't wait to see Mexico and Los Angeles.... Yessssss

As always I wish you all the BEST !!!