lots of people search for success and search for the easy way to get there, while the reality over and over shows us that the road to success is long and not easy to pass, BUT
at the end of this long and hard road there is success waiting for us...
it will be hard to get there, we will be hit numerous times, we will fail over and over again, we will DOUBT ourselves and our powers all the time.
So we need to decide if we want to search for success before we take the road, because if we dont want to take the hits, the pain, the hard time, then we should not start and stay in our comfortzone.
Start and go on strong or stay and rest....
There is no MID-WAY....the MID-WAY is PAIN...
and another thing to understand:
there is an easy way out of that road backwards, but there is no easy way out forwards.....
what that means is: its always easy to give up while at the road to success and get back to our comfort zone, but there is no easy way forward to success, you have to take every single hit and all the pain that life has ready for you.
gl on your decision....and choose wisely or you will not only hurt yourself but also people around you if you dont stand behind your decision....