Montag, 6. Juni 2011

Still Crushing/holidays in Portugal coming

Hey guys,
things have turned really positive for this year.
I finally had another 4k day in cashgames and online in sngs i still did not manage to loose ;) and still make 2-3$/game....thats pretty much my goal and i am doin my best to keep it up

here are my stats online for last month, i really didnt play that much but the weather is just too good to spend more time at home

whyme270483         1.153$2  $15  10%$1.961  -N/APokerStars5/1/2011 5/31/2011 SNG Only x

ok well and this month i started to play 180s and 45s get my contract done with sngprotege, and they are 100% easier to play then 18 mans are, so i ve managed to constantly 20 table them for 2 days straight and made around 888$ doin so, so not too bad i guess ...
the state of the games so far, is that they run really slowly, but at the same time they are juicier then ever....not too many good regs in 180s and 18 man sngs are extremely beatable, as far as the 15s and 30s go...
i hope poker will be my income for another few years, i absolutely love playing this game and its a privilege to be able to live from it...

Ok next thing is, that i will be spending another 2 weeks in portugal in august..i cant wait for those days to come as i will be there with my best friend hand her boyfriend, and my girl....
will be alot of fun....
in germany right now we have beautiful weather and i am having a great time right now, everything is just great...

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