Samstag, 29. September 2012

is coaching really important?

IT is 13:30 in germany and i will start my saturday grind in about 2-3 hrs..and i can not i discussed some non-poker related stuff with friends and my girl, bought a new mouse with trackball...anyone knows if its good for work? i saw wizard of ahhs use one, and my hand starts to hurt afer long sessions so i decided to try it...
logitech M 570

well besides that i decided to talk a little bit about the importance of coaching. alot of people seem to just grind and not relly think about their results much, they just think:
Oh i make 1$ per game, thas cool, so i wanna grind 2k games and i make 2tsd dollars.. right? yes  definitely true, but why would u not get a coach for 80$/hr or more and make 2$ or more dollars per game???? within the first session you would regain the money that u invested in the coaching. think about it.. if you take 3 hrs coaching for 100$/hr and you play 3 days of your games and you make 33 cents more per game you oaid your coach and make 100$ profit. so within 2 days your coaching pays off...

why am I talking about this? well, i think its kinda sad that so many people waste their time playing and not improving.... i mean i make 4$ per game or more since almost 18 months and i am still not happy with that.

I decided to move to portugal to fully concentrate and on my game and increased my $/game/hour by almost 40%..then now i decided to move to 6 max and learn the game as perfect as i can. i beat the 60$ games by almost 9% so far and the 100$ games too, but i think like 2-3% is accurate.
but still on monday I will get coaching in them to improve. I know i have lots of leaks and want to fix that shit... so 400$ investment, HERE IS MY MOONEY!!!!!!!!!

I really mean it guys... its important to have a coach and to improve...there are tons of people coming to the pokergame and in order to consistently win you need to talk to players that are good/winning are intelligent.. and if it costs me 400$ to improve, i am willing to pay that any day...

also, when thinking about this and discussing with some friends i looked at my 180 man graph for this year..i def like what i see there;)

Oh and i ve decided to play ept prag in december...
can´t wait to get there and play that huge field.. lets hope for a rungood and nice people ;)

definitely the city looks amazing

wish you all the best guys..cya

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