Samstag, 12. Februar 2011

It all adds up

Hey guys,
before i start i need to tell you guys about a situation that i had a few weeks ago with my son.
I was on my way home with him and we talked about what he did the last week, what he played , who he met and so on. Then i asked him about what he had eaten that day before i brought him to my house and he said that he had eaten a burger and salad.... Hmm, i couldnt believe it as he was in kindergarden that day and they dont eat anything that has so much fat. so i asked him again: are you really sure you have eaten burger in your kindergarden? and after me asking 3 times he admitted that he did not eat a burger there but salad and potatoes.
while this little story does not look like anything that could affect your life, i assure you it is and it it all adds up:
children try things out and when they notice that they can lie to you, even little meaningless lies, they will lie and invent stories, and:  it all adds up!!! there will be a point later in life when they start to tell bigger more important lies and if WE stop them NOW and make it clear to them that they should not lie, those huge lies that will cause harm to them and others will never ever become reality.
Why do I tell you this and why is that important?
Well as i said before: it all adds up.
If you dont eat healthy , you will become fat or sick or both.
If you lie: people will notice it and you will loose your friends.
If you sit on your couch and dont go to work, you will get lazy and be poor and will never know how beatifull life can be, but we need to work first before life reveals its beauty to us.
If you dont do sports or go to a gym and stop walking for at least an hr/day you will become fat eventually and you destroy your body, as your body needs and wants to walk. Our body was created in a way that it needs movement, every single day.
It all adds up guys...
And here is the best part of this:
If you keep walking, running every day, eating healthy, speaking the truth, going to work, helping friends, family, and do the right things day in and out....
IT ALL ADDS UP... and you will become happier then you could ever imagine,you will NOT get poor, you will NOT get sick.
SO dont  forget: It all adds up...
good luck everyone

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