Dienstag, 20. September 2011

2k day wooohooo

just finished the best session i ve ever played..feel like i was extremely focussed...had a coaching set an hr before starting to play...got some brainfood (fish+some vegetables) and had a student railing me beside me and asking questions, and that really inspired me to think about other peoples ranges more and to think about optimal ranges against them...thanks bubbleoutcas for the help...really got me thinking...

whyme270483         92$23  $10  163%$2.079  -N/APokerStars<16Hours x

nice result...of course i won alot of close flips and alot of close calls...but think i really played my a game...always correctly guessing opponents hands and ranges .... and with a little help of the pokergods this is the result ;) thanks pokergods

gl in your games guys

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