Montag, 25. April 2011


Hey guys,arrived in Portugal yesteday and the weather is amazing as expected. I havent started the house hunt yet, just spend some time with my moms dog at the beach and chilled pretty hard in the sun.
I started to eat helthier and less and drink more water few days ago and i will start to workout here . my first day of workout is tomorrow.
I also found a pretty good schedule for me while i am here.
Wakeup at 9-10, take breakfast and head to the beach after that and start to run at the beach for about an hr there and i also have some exercises to add into running to get in shape again.
Also i will play 2 sets of poker per day, one right after i come home from the beach for 3 hrs and another one from 20-24 o clock.
I will try to work with my students once a week, but have no timeschedule for that yet.
well thats pretty much it, except that i had my sickest set today, played 22 16$ 18 men and won 512$ thats pretty sick ;)
gl to all u guys out there, cu at the tables

Freitag, 22. April 2011

Update/ Future thoughts

Hey guys,
hope everythings fine for everybody.
Just wanted to give a little Pokerupdate and share some thoughts with you guys.
I am about to go to Portugal for 3 weeks tomorrow, I really cant wait to get there and chill out at the beach with my bro and our dog, sit near the beach and grind on my laptop with the sun shining on me ;)

Ok here is alittle Pokerupdate,
since joining sngprotege I have improved alot and am pretty much killing every single sng i play in, and I am really happy about their work, and really hope that online Poker will be legal for them. GL guys

whyme270483         3.633$1  $9  9%$3.536  -N/APokerStars2/4/2011 4/23/2011 E18-18

My stats dont look that great when you look at my overall stats but my 16$ 18 men stats are pretty nice i think so i ll have to post them too ;)

whyme270483         1.057$2  $15  13%$2.150  -N/APokerStars2/4/2011 4/23/2011 E18-18 S15-15

I really hope to constantly improve and destroy these guys...
Oh yeah and I also played some 45s and 180s here are my stats there:

whyme270483         407$3  $8  36%$1.211  TiltN/APokerStars2/4/2011 4/23/2011 E45-180

Ok other topics so far are that I have a student who started to play 1$ 45 men in february this year getting coached by me and now is up 1000$  4 tabeling them ;) he steadily climbed up in limits and now plays 6,50$ 45 men and 7,70$ 180s and is getting really good, keep up the good work dude.
Another student is moving into my home in a few days and will stay here for a year i guess if everything works out as planned. I think it will improve his game really quick to have someone around all the time who is grinding all day and he will meet lots of interesting people i hope that will help him on his way...

Ok well summer is near and i cant wait to get to Portugal and spend 2 months there with one student and 2 other coaches i ve met. Party and work guaranteed ;)

then later this year i will visit france, southern germany and belgium 100%
so it will be an interesting year i hope ;)

well thats pretty much it i guess.

Before i leave you guys I would like to share a vid with you that I love
I really think Adele has the most beautiful voice right now, its amaing and every time  I hear the song I am totally flashed, enjoy. and gl to all you guys out there

Mittwoch, 13. April 2011

life goes on, new plans

Hey guys,
so far everythings worked out perfectly, played some live cash in a near casino
as far as 18 men go I jumped to play 100% 16$ 18men and it has worked out great, i think glitlr will be happy with my results, here they are:
whyme270483826$2 $15 14%$1.796 -N/APokerStars2/4/2011 4/14/2011 E18-18 S15-15 x
I have worked alot with reviewing handhistories, I think i spend too much time reviewing them and not playing but at the same time, if i wouldn't have done that i wouldnt know how to play against all regs individually as they mostly make the same mistakes for sure, but there are some spots where they play different and i think it helped me understand these spots.
so i am pretty happy with my work in these games so far, i still cant manage to play more then 8 games, as i get really confused facing too many decisions and i get too losse then and make stupid/avoidable mistakes.
except poker not much happened as i have concentrated all my time on poker so far since my gf is gone on saturday and i had to do something with my time to not think about her leaving, as i still love her... what a pussy i am lol
i cant wait till its 24th april, as i will be in portugal for 3,5 weeks and after that i will be in vegas for at least 4 weeks if everything works out as i planned but i have no reason to think summer i will be in a pokerhouse with 4 friends ( all pokerplayers ) and we will be partying alot and work alot too, if anyone wants to join us just contact me, i havent found a house yet and will be spending most time in portugal to search for a house...
add me on skype (whyme270483) or leave a message all